Monday, July 12, 2010

Follow the.... dirt horse track ???

The journey has continued and all is looking well so far. Here is a list of places they have ridden through on their travels over the past week.
  • Martin Swamp
  • Minnamoolka
  • Walters Plains Lake
  • Wairuna
  • The Junction (near Lake Lucy)
  • Rhonella Park
  • Camel Creek

I hope I got the spellings right. Most of these places you can find information on through Google. Happy following :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Well Deserved Rest

After nearly a week of riding, Anni and Coralie took a well deserved rest stop at Herbert River. You can see the beautiful view from their camp in the top photo. They ended the break with a camp at Rudd Creek and then headed through Gunnawarra Station.