Wednesday, August 11, 2010

More trekking we will go....

Rhonella station is only used for mustering and maybe not much at all these days but at least there was power and a hot shower.... heaven.

Boo's Eye View as they head towards Camel Creek

Grids and grid bridges can be challenging if there are no gates handy. This one near Camel Creek meant riding down a queer gully, down the fence line and back up again.

Day 18: Aussie packing as they ride through Kangaroo Hills

Day 20 at Zig Zag Station. The day before they road 35K as new mining roads had changed route. A big day but beds and hot showers and a day off followed.

And the horsed welcomed a well deserved rest too.

Survivor made new friends with the local cattle... can horses say MOOOO??

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